- 定做培养基/定制培养基
- 颗粒培养基
- 标准菌株生化鉴定试剂盒
- 2020年版中国药典
- 促销/特价商品
- 院感/疾控/体外诊断/采样管
- 样品采集与处理(均质)产品
- 按标准检索培养基
- 预灌装即用型成品培养基
- 模拟灌装用培养基
- 干燥粉末培养基
- 培养基添加剂/补充剂
- 生化反应鉴定管
- 染色液等配套产品
- 对照培养基/标准品
- 实验耗材与器具
- 生化试剂/化学试剂
- 菌种鉴定服务
Dulcitol Selenite Broth (Selenite-F Broth with Dulcitol)
Shandong Tuopu Biol-Engineering Co.,Ltd
Dulcitol Selenite Broth
(Selenite-F Broth with Dulcitol)
Composition per liter:
NaH2PO4 ......................................................................10.0g
Peptic digest of animal tissue.................................................5.0g
Dulcitol ......................................................................4.0g
pH 7.0 ± 0.2 at 25°C
Source: This medium is available from HiMedia.
Caution: Sodium hydrogen selenite is a very toxic, corrosive agent
and causes teratogenicity. Upon contact with skin, wash immediately
with a lot of water.
Preparation of Medium: Add sodium hydrogen selenite to dis-
tilled/deionized water and bring volume to 1.0L. Mix thoroughly. Add
remaining components. Mix thoroughly. Gently heat if needed to get
all compoents to dissolve. Distribute into tubes or flasks. Sterilize in a
boiling water bath or free flowing steam for 10 min. Excessive heating
is detrimental. Do not autoclave.
Use: For the selective enrichment of Salmonella species.